This post was prompted by a discussion on the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) Slack channel that was so interesting it warranted being posted to the SIREN mailing list. But this isn’t your typical vulnerability or security advisory, but rather it’s about a practice that seems pervasive, potentially dangerous, yet also under reported. And it has a name, reputation farming (or credibility farming).

What is Reputation Farming and how is it different from other Github spam?

The suspicious activity that prompted the discussion was regarding certain Github accounts approving or commenting on old pull requests and issues that had long been resolved or closed. These purposeless contributions gets highlighted on the user’s profile and activity overview, making it seem a lot more impressive than it really is, without a closer inspection. More insidiously, by farming reputable or trusted repositories, they can fake some reputation or credibility by proxy.

Longtime users of Github know that spammy contributions have always been around and are incredibly hard to tackle. There are even several tools that allow users to create commits with specific dates to artificially fill their contribution graphs or even create pixel art​. But those are fundamentally different. They might be able to fool some recruiters or an AI screening tool, but won’t pass any real scrutiny.

Trust is vital in open source. It’s a catalyst for open and secure collaboration. It hasn’t been long since the xz utils incident, where a likely malicious actor gained the trust of the library’s maintainer to get access to the project and contribute a backdoor. Reputation farming is more sinister than regular spam because it makes that trust process harder, and tries to circumvent it, and uses reputable projects to gain that trust, potentially harming them once discovered.

The wider issue is that it also makes the user profiles for genuine contributors and maintainers less trustworthy and valuable. I don’t think that’s necessarily a loss I would mourn. Relying on contribution metrics as a measure of a developer’s skills or the value of their contributions is inherently flawed. Not only does reputation farming rely on these easily manipulable metrics, even more, these metrics do not account for the quality of contributions, the complexity of the problems solved, or for when collaborative efforts are involved (for example in the case of programming pairs).

What can Open Source Maintainers do about this?

The discussion summary in the SIREN mailing list recommends the following actions:

  • Monitor Repository Activity;
  • Report Suspicious Users;
  • and Lock Old Issues/PRs (You can even set up a Github Action to automatically do it after a period of inactivity)

But ultimately, there are limitations to what you can do on a platform like Github. Reporting is arduous and the responsiveness of the platform moderation is spotty at best. (To be fair, not a problem limited to Github or code forges.) The tools for managing such contributions could use some improvement though, not to mention how those quantitative metrics are collated and displayed on users profiles. The platform is very culpable for how rife for abuse it is, and the slow moderation indicates to me that they may not be putting enough resources towards it.

At the end of the day, reputation farming and fake contributions have the potential to undermine and harm the OSS ecosystem on GitHub. They demonstrate why using simple metrics to evaluate software development skills and contributions is flawed. And they demonstrate the importance and difficulty of building and maintaining trust in open source ecosystems. Github can also help address this issue by taking a hard look at their UI and the values it associates with certain actions, and give maintainers better tools to manage and report superfluous and spammy contributions. Until then, stay vigilant and stay contributing.

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